Realm of Akhira Setlist

  • Beizark

  • Beizyre

  • Beizerno

  • Manto

  • Manterra

  • Terramantis

  • Bubblu

  • Bubblio

  • Bubbleon

  • Kiba

  • Okamikuu

  • Soragami

  • Dremeloid

  • Dremeetle

  • Dremedrill

  • Rodadart

  • Rodatrap

  • Rodavine

  • Draeki

  • Draelo

  • Draegon

  • Voldyrl

  • Voldraco

  • Voldratic

  • Ermishine

  • Ermilight

  • Ermiluxe

  • Luna

  • Stella

  • Eclipse

  • Lapiz

  • Lazuli

  • Lapinzuli

  • Silkling

  • Serpesilk

  • Silkistrictor

  • Smolderling

  • Terraling

  • Aqualing

  • Aeroling

  • Aurora Nova, Fortitudinous Fighter

  • Jade, Voice of the Elderwoods

  • Vybosti Frost-Scar, Reigning Chieftain

  • Raiden Aratiri, Galvanic Ranger

  • Dahlia Mihr, Light of Solaro

  • Helena Stone of the Shrouded Tombs

  • Mayumi, Shadow's Mark

  • Xandria, Unrelenting Ambition

  • Ember Vale, Flameborn

  • Arlo Clay, Envoy of Deeplings

  • Delta Haze, Breath of Currents

  • Miku Azura, Wandering Vessel

  • Volcanic Villa

  • Subterra Dwelling

  • Heart of the Fathoms

  • Eastern Aviation Academy

  • Photon Mana Cannon

  • Spine Crawler

  • Arctic Obelisk

  • Storm Pillar

  • Daybreak Citadel

  • Lillith's Labyrinth

  • Vitreon Palace

  • Ivory Mansion

  • The Crimson Ashlands

  • Elderwood Grove

  • Tempest Armada Skies

  • Moonlit Marsh

  • Augmented Mana Chain

  • Tsunami Serpent

  • Lasting Bolt

  • Crystalize

  • Untimely Earthquake

  • Glacial Ambush

  • Brilliant Incandescence

  • Prisoner of Wayvault

  • Flight Tonic

  • AntiFrost

  • Health Potion

  • Catfish Skewer

  • Adventurer's Pack

  • Heraldry Key

  • Anima Egg

  • Spirit of the Anima

  • Epiphany

  • First Flight

  • Jackpot

  • Escape Goat

  • Oath of Solaro

  • Geoton Hammer

  • Wave Scythe

  • Aetherius

  • Secondwind Timepiece

  • Forsaken Ivy Whip

  • Frostcrest Helm

  • Thundersoul Battle Axe

  • Bright Orb

  • Dusk Orb

  • Crystal Orb

  • Void Orb

  • Book of Conflagration

  • Tome of Eminence

  • Aquatic Recollections

  • Gale Companion

  • Pyro Mana

  • Metal Mana

  • Terra Mana

  • Nature Mana

  • Aqua Mana

  • Frost Mana

  • Sky Mana

  • Lightning Mana

  • Bright Mana

  • Dusk Mana

  • Crystal Mana

  • Void Mana

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